Top 3 Precautions Before Visiting A Tattoo Parlor

Lizard's Skin Tattoos
2 min readFeb 2, 2024

If you have started to be fascinated with the world of body art, visiting a tattoo parlor can be an exciting and transformative experience. However, before getting inked, it is crucial to prioritize your safety. Here are the top three personal safety precautions to take before stepping into tattoo parlors in Kolkata.

1. Research the tattoo parlor:

Before committing to a tattoo appointment, conduct thorough research on the chosen tattoo parlor. Look for reviews and testimonials online, paying close attention to feedback regarding cleanliness, professionalism, and the skill of the artists. A reputable establishment will have a clean and sterile environment, adhering to industry-standard hygiene practices.

Check if the tattoo parlor has a valid license and complies with health regulations. Licensing ensures that the establishment meets the necessary safety standards and that the artists are qualified. You can often find this information displayed prominently in the shop or inquire about it beforehand.

2. Communicate openly with the artist:

Effective communication with your tattoo artist is paramount to a safe and satisfactory experience. Clearly express your ideas and expectations for the tattoo, ensuring that the artist understands your design preferences, size, and placement. Also, discuss any concerns or questions you may have about the safety measures in place.

Ask about the sterilization procedures for equipment, including needles and ink cups. The best tattoo parlors in Kolkata use single-use, disposable needles and ensure that all equipment is properly sanitized between clients. If the artist hesitates or fails to provide satisfactory answers, consider it a red flag and reconsider your choice.

3. Follow personal hygiene and aftercare:

While the tattoo artist is responsible for maintaining a sterile work environment, your personal hygiene plays a crucial role in preventing complications. Ensure that you are clean and have showered before your appointment. Avoid applying lotions, oils, or makeup to the area where you plan to get tattooed.

After getting the tattoo, follow the aftercare instructions provided by the artist meticulously. This typically involves keeping the tattoo clean, moisturized, and protected from exposure to contaminants. Neglecting aftercare can lead to infections and other complications that may compromise both the appearance of your tattoo and your overall health.

Also Read: What To Look For In A Safe and Hygienic Tattoo Studio?

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Lizard's Skin Tattoos

Top Tattoo Studio in Kolkata — Lizard’s Skin Tattoo